Videocache is no longer in development.

About moving to Different/Upgraded Hardware, License and your old FAQ.

by A. Barua on 5 Jun 2014


My concern is about system crash or hardware upgrades/changes. Suppose, I need to move my VideoCache service to a more upgraded hardware for more disk space and RAM as the old hardware cannot be upgraded. What will happen to my license? Same license will do or buy again? I remember your old site had a FAQ but the new site does not have one. I think I read about my concerns above in that FAQ but don't remember the answer. Will there be no FAQ here?

A. Barua.

1 Answers

by Kulbir Saini on 10 Jun 2014


You don't need to buy the license again in case of crash/upgrades (software or hardware). You can transfer the same license to the new machine.

Kulbir Saini